
Showing posts from February, 2022

Film Industry: Marvel Cinematic Universe blog tasks

1)There were 22 movies of marvel at that time 2)Marvel had made $18.2 bn from the movies that they have made 3)Marvel started to make more avengers movies because they were going bankrupt and they sold movies like spider man and xman 4)Sony has the rights to own spider-man and son gave the rights to marvel to have spider-man in their movies 5)Marvel has the rights to own X-men and fantastic four because disney had bought century fox so now marvel own the characters 6)Disney had said they would have more content on disney+ from marvel.

Industries: Ownership and control

1) What is vertical integration? What are the benefits of vertical integration for media companies? Vertical   integration:  is when one conglomerate owns different companies in the same chain of production   Reduce costs across different parts of its production process. 2) What is horizontal integration? What are the benefits of horizontal integration for media companies? horizontal integration:   is when one company buys other companies at the same level of distribution increasing market share  reducing competition, and creating economies of scale 3)synergy:   is when a company creates a brand that can be used across different media products and platforms. 4)Nike comes in different media products like twitter ,facebook ,instagram 5. -marvel -ABC -ESPN(80%) -Lucasfilm -Touchstone pictures

Media assessment learner response

 1) WWW:This is a very promosing assessment, Fardien. You clearly have prepared and do recall key information. An ability to analyse an unseen media product and identify a camera shot. EBI: Revise the term connotation and consider how meanings slowly they are created for audience. Revise poster conventions. 12/31 2) 1.  1/1 2. 1/1 3. 4/12 4. 1/3 5. 1/2 6. 2/4 7.2/8 3)  I think yea i did do some mistakes in media terminology and ill do revision during the holidays to get better. 4) I feel like that question 5 was my strongest because i was able  to identify the back round . 5) Question 7 was my weakness because i feel that i didn't put enough information in that one question and question 3 was same as 7 because forgot to put the amount of information in that question